Monday, November 9, 2009

A semester to ponder

Welcome back!
Semester Two has just started this week. I have gathered some facts about this semester for students to ponder and make appropriate preparations.
1. There are 18 weeks of study.
2. The 18 weeks include the UPS week. So, effectively, there are only 17 weeks.
3. There are a lot of holidays, namely Aidil Adha (27, 28 Nov), Maal Hijrah (18 Dec), Christmas (25 Dec), New Year (1 Jan), Chinese NY (14, 15, 16 Feb), Maulidur Rasul (26 Feb). So you 17 weeks are not the complete weeks!

My advice:
1. Start studying now, even though you haven't attended for the lecture.
3. Consider your lectures/tutorials as an opportunity to understand the concepts taught also to clarify misconceptions so that you won't spend so much time after the class. Value your own time and spend it for your own revision.
4. Finish your practical report as soon as you have completed your practicals. If possible finish it before the weekend (if you have your practicals on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday)
5. Finish ALL the exercises in the tutorial book before you attend the class.
6. Do not hesitate to seek the lecturer's explanation for concepts that you confuse or do not understand.

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