Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The 2007/2008 Final Examination

This week is the examination week in KMM. I don't invigilate due to ill health. I wish all students "all the best". Hopefully, the examination is not that bad. A male student SMS-ed me asking for my forgiveness should he repeat in the next session. And he hadn't even started the exam!
That's why early preparation is important.

The Biologist - is preparing for the new session. 2008/2009 batch is greater in number... so they said.

1 comment:

Salahuddin Hj. Ibrahim said...

Know what? That particular boy who seemed gave up prior to the final exam SMS-ed me after the results are out! "Tima kaceh cikgu. Saya bersyukur sangat dengan result ni. Semoga cikgu panjang umur murah rezeki. SELAMAT HARI PENSYARAH.."

His result was totally the unexpected ones judging by his formative results and efforts! ALlah knows best! Allahu Akbar!